• Thank you for choosing Key Risk as your workers compensation carrier! Located below are some important first steps to take to help make the most out of your workers compensation policy.
  • Download Supplemental Applications for Key Risk 
  • Slips, trips, and falls at work can have tremendous consequences, including injuries, workers compensation claims, and increased insurance costs. As an employer, it's crucial to take the necessary…, Identify the Risks:, The first step in preventing slips, trips, and falls in the workplace is to identify any potential risks. Conduct a thorough assessment of your business and note any areas that are prone to wetness,…, Implement Safety Policies:, Once you have identified the risks, it's time to develop and implement safety policies. This might include establishing a safety committee, creating procedures for incident reporting, and training…, Offer Proper Training:, One of the most effective ways to manage the risk of slips, trips, and falls is through proper training. Make sure that employees receive the necessary training to safely navigate the workplace,…, Use Protective Equipment and Products:, Proper protective equipment and products can help reduce the risk of slips, trips, and falls. This might include slip-resistant shoes, safety gloves, and fall arrest systems. Be sure to provide any…, Partner with an Expert:, Reducing the risk of slips, trips, and falls requires a comprehensive approach that includes industry expertise. Consider partnering with an expert like Key Risk to manage this risk. We provide a…
  • With national presence, Key Risk provides customized workers compensation insurance coverage solutions that help protect the unique needs of your company. 
  • A Key Risk insurance career offers a commitment to collaboration, employee growth and balance, as well as an office located in a minor league baseball stadium.
  • Key Risk makes it simple for medical providers and vendors to lookup, submit documents or use our online chat for workers compensation medical billing needs.
  • Key Risk is committed to ensuring our employees find the right balance while maintaining a team atmosphere and encouraging an open dialog for innovative ideas.
  • Key Risk is committed to providing employers with essential workers compensation resources for both the insurance policy and claim handling information.
  • Key Risk not only provides the coverage you need to protect your workers, but also the workers compensation risk management resources you need for prevention.